• June 4, 2019

Allen Moore of Mannin branch Celtic League reports on the joint demonstration with another NGOs concerned about Yemen this morning. He avers the response from the pubic was heartening:

“I represented the Mannin Branch of the Celtic League at this morning’s demonstration at Ronaldsway Airport. The demonstration, jointly organised with Amnesty IOM and the League, was to continue to urge the Manx government to ask the UK to stop allowing airmen from Saudi Arabia to practice low flying at Ronaldsway in preparation for their attacks on civilians in Yemen. Many people have died in these attacks, including children. The homes and livelihoods of many others have been lost.

“At Ronaldsway we were moved on twice by the Airport Manager, although he didn’t seem to be sure about what legal basis there was for us not to be where we were. We moved when we were asked.

“Indeed, the second time that the Airport Manager asked us to move he did us a favour (Thanks!), as our new position on the pavement by the northern of the two roundabouts on the main road passing the Airport put us much more into the public eye. We thank the many members of the public, both residents and visitors, for showing support by blowing their horns, flashing their headlamps or waving as they passed.

“A policeman drove past and, after returning our wave, continued to the Airport Terminal. He came back later and said that we weren’t breaking any laws by having a peaceful protest as long as we didn’t block the highway. However, he asked for the names and phone numbers of the organisers of the protest. When I said that I was representing the Mannin Branch of the Celtic League he looked confused. I apologise if our profile isn’t high enough for the officer in the police car to know who we are. I try to be an affable sort of fellow, so I always say “Hallo” when I meet the police, too!

“Anyway, with the cloud now lifting from the hill near my home, I hope that everyone has a safe and successful TT Week. I also hope that the people of the Yemen can also enjoy safety soon, too.

“Allen Moore, 
Mannin Branch Secretary,”

Image: Allen Moore
Celtic League.

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