• February 7, 2016


I know you all want to forget about Manx Gas and its MD Tony Nicholls but sorry to remind the gas consumers in our midst that the heaviest quarter (winter) bills will be dropping through the door anytime soon (if you already haven’t had it).

It’s important to remember that the new gerrymandered standing charge is going to ‘spread the payment more evenly’ over the year – that’s Orwellian speech for your going to pay more for your gas! Indeed despite record low prices world wide for energy including oil and gas your bills for gas and electricity will rise. Oh sorry I forgot there’s going to be a drop in gas prices by a pittance here but that will be more than covered by the ‘monkeying around’ with the standing charge.

I wonder will Manx Gas be arranging any sponsorship for the TT this year and hospitality (that is usually well subscribed by some MHKs) – There’s me another mistake, I should have said are we paying more for our gas so Manx Gas can sponsor Tony’s favourite sport and dole out hospitality.

We are five months out from the TT now if Manx Gas are brazen enough to sponsor we should be casting around for ‘innovative’ ways to respond!

We are seven months out from the election and very few MHK/MLCs raised the Gas issue and then only in a cursory manner (I think Thomas, Karran and Turner were the only one’s I recall even approaching the subject – sorry if I missed anyone).

The MLCs are a protected species (at present) but MHKs are fair game if you are a gas consumer and your MHK did nothing to raise the matter forget their flannel and their blandishments DON’T VOTE FOR THEM!

Finally all you gas customers in Ramsey remember the man who could have made a major impact and alleviated the energy scandal is the Chief Minister contemplate that should a familiar name pop up on your ballot form in September.

Photo: Tony Nicholls Manx Gas MD


Issued by: The Celtic News



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues


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