• September 14, 2016

The Breton site ‘Support the Reunification of Brittany’ has a tribute to an activist for the Breton language and campaigner for reunification of the historic Breton State who has died:
“KENAVO MARTIAL MÉNARD – A last “Kenavo” to one of Brittany’s best linguists and Breton militants. (12/9/2016)
“Brittany said a last farewell to the 64 year old passionate advocate of the Breton language and of a Reunified Brittany, today, in the small village of Lanrelaz/Lanrelas in eastern Brittany.
“Although he was not from Lower-Brittany, nor even brought up in Brittany the rediscovery of Brittany for him, during his military service, had a huge impact on the young trained chef at the time. Martial taught himself Breton ‘thanks to’ (we think that this would be the term Martial would have used in English) time spent in the Paris region jails after taking part in attacks on French symbols of authority before being released from prison when F. Mitterrand became the French President in 1981.
“After being a teacher of Breton for a few years within the newly created Diwan network of schools he became a publisher and later led a team of Breton linguists in order to publish the first monolingual Breton dictionary. He will be remembered as one of the best ever Breton lexicologists and he was awarded the Ermine Prize in 2013 for all his work. Those who knew him will always remember his sharp humour and many people will remember his weekly column in the Ouest-France newspaper. He managed to complete work on his final publication i.e. a huge French-Breton dictionary published by Palantines in spite of a declining health. These constitute only a few of his achievements at the service of Brittany and its language, a country and a language always under a huge amount of pressure for the total lack of respect of the authorities for differences.”
Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch
Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.

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