• October 30, 2015


The Manx Museum and National Trust (aka Manx National Heritage) publicised the opening of a new ‘Kingdom of Man’ gallery at the House of Manannan in Peel.

However it’s not what is on display that’s significant it’s what is missing. The Museums blurb accompanying the launch says:

‘The gallery tells the story of one of the most significant periods of the Island’s history between AD 1000 and 1300. The Isle of Man was the seat of power of a sea kingdom formed of the Outer and Inner Hebrides, Skye and Argyll, strongly influenced by Norway. From the Island, the kings of Man and the Isles ruled both the lands and the vital sea route that ran through the heart of what we now know as the British Isles. This trade route brought riches to and from the Kingdom.’

Well I don’t think anyone would disagree with that the period was one of the most active historical periods in our history. How we know this MNH go on to explain:

‘With information taken from the manuscript “Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles” the gallery highlights the significant events recorded in Manx history during the 300 year period. The main part of the Chronicles is believed to have been written around AD 1260 at Rushen Abbey in Ballasalla and is now in the British Library.’

So there you have it a significant exhibition mounted no doubt at considerable cost missing its most significant exhibit the “Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles”. Why because those selfish sods down in the British Library insist on hanging on to them even though they are of little significance to the UK or so called British History. They don’t even have them on display!

Of course as always (and only in recent years) there have been suggestions that the “Chronicles” were not written here –but rather knocked up at some Abbey in the UK. Now that’s convenient but the fact is that they were intact here for many centuries and only purloined by the UK British Library by an accident of history.

Personally I have never subscribed to the theory, dreamt up by some cranky academics to justify the British Library’s case, that a monk diligently made a few notes here on the back of a medieval fag packet (at one of the most turbulent time in our history) and then nipped back to some obscure UK Abbey to compile the Chronicles.

There was an Abbey here (at Rushen) and it is here they were compiled and here they should reside now.

Of course as always Tynwald have not got the time to pursue the issue they are to concerned ensuring they don’t end up having to pay for their parking!

Well if Tynwald is not interested perhaps that useless ‘pillock’ in government house could intercede with ‘her Majesty’! After all we can’t have the British Library treating the Lord of Man and ‘her subjects’ with contempt can we!


Issued by: The Celtic News



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues


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