• November 11, 2021

The British Army claims to be in Kenya to avert the threat of terror. But their presence has resulted in a series of brutal crimes with no justice, says Isabel Ringrose in an article for Socialist Worker. She reports on a recent murder and past oppressive acts by the UK armed forces in colonial times:

“Agnes Wanjiru was ­discovered beaten and stabbed to death in a septic tank at the Lion’s Court Hotel in the Kenyan town of Nanyuki in June 2012 two months after she disappeared.

“Wanjiru, a 21 year old mother of a newborn baby, was last seen with British soldiers. An inquest later ­concluded that one or more soldiers must have killed her.

“According to The Sunday Times, a man known as Soldier X has been separately named by at least four members of the Duke of Lancaster Regiment as the culprit.

“One of them says he reported the identity of the killer to senior officers but was brushed off.

“The appalling details were so ­well-known that soldiers wrote about them on Facebook, with disgusting references to septic tanks and “ghosts”.

“The case has highlighted the way British soldiers act in Kenya and—nine years on—was reopened last week.”

Full link:


As the UK holds remembrance day its worth recalling that former Kenyans who fought for the British in the Middle East and Burma were executed when they returned to Kenya and fought with the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (Mau Mau) in the 1950s others were brutalised and interned.

Image: Kenya training base sign – Right: Agnes Wanjiru an inquest concluded soidiers had murdered her

Bernard Moffatt

AGS Celtic League (11th November 2021)

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