The Fickle Fortunes of Wind Power

December 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The fickle fortunes of the wind turbine world were only to apparent in the last few weeks Just days before Richard Ronan announced ‘money for old seabed’ off Maughold Head with his ‘wind farm’ announcement a local firm

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Why Tryweryn Matters to the Other Celtic Countries

October 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE “It happened in Wales but it could have happened anywhere that suited the expediency of the British State. The nationals of the Celtic countries were aborigines to be ignored or used!” Tryweryn and what happened there should matter

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When the UK Were Told Where to Go!

October 11, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE It seems at the moment the Manx government and politicians believe there is some mileage in sucking up to UK political parties. However Manx politicians once had a bit more spine – read on: Our colleagues over on

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Wales: Leanne Wood Slams Tory Anti-Union Legislation

October 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Plaid Cymru Leader Leanne Wood AM has said that the UK Government’s regressive Trade Union Bill must not apply to Wales and she has pledged that Plaid Cymru would do all it can to step any attempt to

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RAF Getting a Good Deal for Airport Use?

October 4, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Director of Ports has responded to our query concerning the amount of money paid by the MOD for the use of Ronaldsway Airport. Ann Reynolds says the figure is approx £20,000 (or just over) the figure apparently

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Ireland: Political Profligacy and Child Poverty in the North

September 29, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Republican Sinn Fein has attacked the profligacy of the British government towards the Stormont government at a time of severe austerity in the North of Ireland and throughout Britain. Pointedly RSF emphasise what many people in Britain will

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Cameron: ‘Pig Gate’ It Hasn’t Gone Away

September 28, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Thought the Ashcroft allegations about Cameron the so called ‘Pig-Gate’ affair were just an amusing interlude in an other wise dull week; Cat Boyd, Scottish feminist, socialist and radical independence campaigner looks in depth at the issue and

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New Deepcut Inquest Will Last Several Weeks

September 18, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The body of Private Cheryl James from Llangollen was exhumed last month ahead of a second inquest into her death and metallic fragments were removed for forensic examination. The exhumation took place at the family’s request. Pte James

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Wales: Congratulations for Corbyn, But Plaid Say Labour Record in Wales is Dismal

September 13, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Commenting on the election of the new Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Leader of Plaid Cymru, offered her congratulations, but there was a sting in the tail of her message. Leanne Wood AM said she hoped Corbyn would

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‘Bull…’ About Sums up the Brit State and Its Supporters

September 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE ‘BULL…’ ABOUT SUMS UP THE BRIT STATE AND ITS SUPPORTERS Support for Scottish Independence continues to grow and is according to opinion polls now above 50% and solid. It’s ironic really as when the referendum campaign, which was

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