‘Conflict Junkies’ Allegation Provokes Response

August 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE ‘Conflict Junkies’ that’s the astonishing allegation Sinn Fein MLA, John O’Dowd has levelled at both the Secret Intelligence Services and dissident republicans. His views reported by BBC Northern Ireland have prompted mixed views see link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-33761036 One thing

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Críona Ní Dhálaigh has been elected as the first Sinn Féin mayor of Dublin City

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Sinn Féin became the biggest party on the city council after last year’s local elections. As reported in the Irish Times Críona Ni Dhálaigh said that one of her aims in the coming year is to promote the

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Ireland: Opposition To Visit By English Queen Grows

July 23, 2010

Kerry Sinn Féin (SF) TD Deputy, Martin Ferris, is the latest of a number of political sources in Ireland to voice opposition to the prospect of a State visit to by the British Queen, Elizabeth II. Ferris described the proposed royal visit as

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