‘Bull…’ About Sums up the Brit State and Its Supporters

September 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE ‘BULL…’ ABOUT SUMS UP THE BRIT STATE AND ITS SUPPORTERS Support for Scottish Independence continues to grow and is according to opinion polls now above 50% and solid. It’s ironic really as when the referendum campaign, which was

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Scottish Referendum Result in Focus at AGM

April 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The recent Scottish referendum was the focus of considerable debate at the AGM of the Celtic League held in Dublin at the weekend (10-12th April 2015). A number of League members had travelled to Scotland during the referendum

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‘Manipulation’ and ‘Interference’ in Referendum Campaign UN Told

September 25, 2014

News from Celtic League The general secretary of the Celtic League has written to the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, expressing his concern over breaches to an international covenant during the run up to the Scottish

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Irish Branch Supports Yes In Scottish Referendum: Meeting in Dublin and Belfast

May 14, 2014

News from Celtic League As the campaign for Scottish Independence progresses and the referendum debate moves up a notch the latest polls show that the YES side is fast closing the gap. As the campaign accelerates we feel sure that on the day

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Sunday Herald – First Scottish newspaper to support independence

May 4, 2014

News from Celtic League The Sunday Herald is the first Scottish newspaper to openly support a yes vote in the forthcoming Scottish independence referendum on 18th September 2014. With an editorial title today (4th May 2014) of ‘The prize is a better country.

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Welsh First Minister Goes to Scotland with his ‘Cap in Hand’

November 25, 2013

NEWS FROM CELTIC LEAGUE Westminster Government Ministers last week (18thNovember) argued that the Welsh Government should not be given the power to vary income tax within its own country. The announcement made by Treasury Ministers in London was in response to the recommendations

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Scottish Independence Report to be launched in Glasgow

November 20, 2013

News from Celtic League The long awaited Scottish National Party (SNP) vision for an independent, due for its publication next week, is expected to be launched in Glasgow and not at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, it was announced this week. The White

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