Roma: French Ambassador To London Responds

September 19, 2010

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE ROMA: FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO LONDON RESPONDS The French Embassy in London has responded to the concerns expressed by the Celtic League about the forced expulsion of Roma people from France which was this week the subject of an intervention by

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Dublin: Response From French Ambassador over Roma Expulsions

September 19, 2010

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE DUBLIN: RESPONSE FROM FRENCH AMBASSADOR OVER ROMA EXPULSIONS There has been a detailed response from the French Embassy in Dublin to concerns expressed by the Celtic League about the forced expulsion of Roma people in France. The full text of

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France: League Protest Over treatment Of Roma

August 28, 2010

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE FRANCE: LEAGUE PROTEST OVER TREATMENT OF ROMA The Celtic League has protested to the French embassies in London and Dublin about the treatment of Roma people in France who are currently being forcibly expelled from the State. The League have

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EU Commissioner Shares Concerns About Treatment of Roma/Travellers

May 25, 2010

The EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Lazlo Andor, has said the EU Commission shares the concerns of the Celtic League about the ongoing discrimination against the Roma/Traveller communities. The League wrote in March to express its growing concern following

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