Mann: Chief Ministers Office Respond on Refugee Crisis

September 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Chief Ministers Office has responded to our request to the Manx government to render humanitarian assistance to refugees. We wrote to his Office on September 3rd (see link): The reply from the External Relations Team in

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Welsh Government Respond on Refugee Help Call

September 11, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Welsh Assembly government has responded to the Secretary General of the Celtic League who wrote to all governments in the Celtic countries urging action to assist the refugees from Syria and North Africa (see link); Assembly

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Leanne Wood in TV Call to Help Refugees

September 9, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There is no doubt that the issue that prompted David Cameron to do a volte-face on accepting more refugees into the UK was the sustained pressure he came under. It demonstrates that even a government that would get

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Refugee Crisis Should not be Exploited to Extend War

September 9, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE REFUGEE CRISIS SHOULD NOT BE EXPLOITED TO EXTEND WAR Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood AM has said that the current refugee crisis should not be exploited by the UK government to start a bombing campaign in Syria. The

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‘Refugees Are Welcome Here’

September 7, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE During the Scottish Independence campaign I started following a wide range of blogs from supporters of the campaign. One of the sharpest (as I’ve mentioned before) was by Paul Kavanagh aka ‘The Wee Ginger Dog’. Paul has continued

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