Pig-gate: Wave Your Union Jacks Now!

September 23, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE As I frequently say we don’t usually just link to other peoples work but one exception over the past few months has been Paul Kavanagh’s Scottish Indy and social comment blog Wee Ginger Dug. I had been having

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What the No Vote Means for the Celtic Nations

September 22, 2014

News from the Celtic League Over the last couple of weeks members of the Breizh, Éire, Kernow and International Branches travelled to Alba (Scotland) to help campaign for a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum. After the No vote, there should be time

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Celtic League: Scottish Independence Statement

September 11, 2014

Celtic League News In just over a week’s time, the Scottish people are about to make one of the most important political decisions in the history of our Celtic nations. A Scottish vote for Yes! on 18th September 2014 will not only mean

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