Yn Pabyr Seyr ‘Lite’

January 21, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE That’s the trouble with Mec Vannin they are always thinking of new ways to deliver ‘their’ message to us! So to complement there usual publications they are splashing out and they’ve now produced this: https://www.mecvannin.im/craueyn/craueyn1.pdf It’s a sort

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Politicians And Deemsters The Pays Good…And The Hours Well!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Chief Minister as part of his ‘we are very busy getting on with things and no one out there appreciates how much we are doing’ was at it again today on Manx Radio. Yes the first Mandate

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What Did The FSC/FCU Know About The KPMG Canada Affair? Will We Ever Know?

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I bet Canadian citizens will not have been raising a glass over the festive season to the good news that John Aspden has acquired himself a New Years honour courtesy of ‘Elizabrit’ Windsor. John of course is the

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Independent Radio Breaks Irish Gas Cuts News

December 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Three fm and Energy fm seem to have broken the ‘purdah’ on the story that gas consumers in Ireland drawing their supply from the same pipeline that feeds the Isle of Man are about to enjoy their second

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One of Your Money Laundry’s of Choice – Why?

November 27, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There’s an interesting article in the German magazine ‘Business Insider’ which says that the Isle of Man is 9 out of 10 on a list of favoured locations for criminal money laundering (link): https://www.businessinsider.de/britains-international-money-laundering-hotspots-according-to-the-treasury-2015-11?r=UK&IR=T Now for years the

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New York Times Urged To Continue Seafarers Rights Campaign

November 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Following the extremely positive news (in the past 24 hours) of the Irish governments announcement that it will guarantee migrant fishermen’s rights and labour conditions the Celtic League has written to the New York Times Editor (NYT) applauding

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Bell’s Billions!

November 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE No food? Can’t pay the gas bill? That’s strange we’re pumping billions of pounds into the United Kingdom The much publicised BBC documentary about the Isle of Mans tax haven status says, according to a report in IOM

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‘Stick the Tail on the Donkey of News’

November 10, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE If there was a daily game called ‘stick the tail on the donkey of news’ today’s prize would have to go to Manx Radio. We reported yesterday on the stations business news section rather ludicrously highlighting a conference

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Social responsibility – Bloody Hypocrites!

November 10, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The first thing to check is that it’s not the 1st of April when you see an item on Manx Radio business news which opens: “Social responsibility will be high on the agenda at an international summit for

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No One Likes Us! Whinge TV Licence Bullies

November 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE If ever the adage ‘you reap what you sow’ was appropriate. It seems that TV licensing is playing to the gallery because their staff are facing abuse and even assault as ‘they go about their business’ (link): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-34696365

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