His Foot’s On The Pedal But Our Foot Is Out Of Step!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE “With the economy still growing, unemployment low, our international reputation heightened and public finances on track to be rebalanced, the island is in a better position than Allan Bell envisaged when he first became Chief Minister.” So it

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League Query Manx Government on Licence Fee

January 28, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Celtic League has addressed a number of queries to the Isle of Man Chief Minister with reference to the levy of a broadcasting licence in the Isle of Man: The correspondence covers revenues raised and expended, methods

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Manx Government: The Arrogance of Fools

January 5, 2011

The Leader of the Manx Nationalist Party, Mec Vannin, has launched a swingeing attack on Manx government policies in an address to a gathering to commemorate the execution of the Manx Martyr, Illiam Dhone on January 2nd at Hango Hill, Castletown. Speaking in

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Wylfa: Manx Government To Seek More Information

November 26, 2010

The Isle of Man Chief Minister, Tony Brown MHK, has said that the Manx government will be seeking more information on the UK government’s decision to operate the Wylfa nuclear plant beyond 2010. The Celtic League had expressed concern about the decision given

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