Yn Pabyr Seyr ‘Lite’

January 21, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE That’s the trouble with Mec Vannin they are always thinking of new ways to deliver ‘their’ message to us! So to complement there usual publications they are splashing out and they’ve now produced this: https://www.mecvannin.im/craueyn/craueyn1.pdf It’s a sort

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Comin Urged To Support Standing Charges Moratorium And Inquiry

January 13, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Further to the earlier post on this issue I have written to the Chief Minister urging him to prevail on all utilities that apply ‘standing charges’ as part of their billing structure to instate a moratorium whilst the

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Discontent In The ‘Farce’ Years Ago

January 9, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The OUTSIDE LEFT column that I write for the Manx Independent this week deals with the work of the two independent surveillance Commissioners I entitled it ‘THE GUARDIANS’ but in his wisdom the Editor amended that – there’s

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We Will Have a Modern Electoral System – For The Election After The Next One!

January 7, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE WE WILL HAVE A MODERN ELECTORAL SYSTEM – FOR THE ELECTION AFTER THE NEXT ONE! That throwaway remark I included in the earlier post about next years election may yet be more prophetic than I thought I said:

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An Incestuous Relationship Between Police, Judiciary and Public Officials – Has Anything Changed?

January 6, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Our thanks to James Corrin for digging out the Irish Times report by Legal correspondent Carol Coulter and the Gubay – Drower case and other examples of the persecution of Roly Drower not least the use against him

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His Foot On the Pedal But Our Foot Is Out Of Step!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE “With the economy still growing, unemployment low, our international reputation heightened and public finances on track to be rebalanced, the island is in a better position than Allan Bell envisaged when he first became Chief Minister.” So it

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Politicians And Deemsters The Pays Good…And The Hours Well!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Chief Minister as part of his ‘we are very busy getting on with things and no one out there appreciates how much we are doing’ was at it again today on Manx Radio. Yes the first Mandate

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‘A Reputation For Service’ – Who Writes These Lines?

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There was a quite stinging attack in the current edition of Yn Pabyr Seyr on the ‘Church of Business’. Written in a satirical style it nonetheless delivers a barbed message and concludes: “Faith is strong in the Church

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His Foot’s On The Pedal But Our Foot Is Out Of Step!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE “With the economy still growing, unemployment low, our international reputation heightened and public finances on track to be rebalanced, the island is in a better position than Allan Bell envisaged when he first became Chief Minister.” So it

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Mec Vannin Rams Home The Message On Unacceptable Energy Pricing

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Well it doesn’t look as if Mec Vannin paid much heed to the critics who found their Manx Gas poster item offensive! The suggestion that a failure to deal with rising costs would ultimately lead to more winter

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