Alba: Major Language Initiative for Police Scotland

October 18, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The news today from Scotland that there is to be a major initiative to increase the use and profile of Gàidhlig (Gaelic) in both Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority (see link): As usual this is

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Language Rights Charter: France in the ‘Naughty Corner’ With Russia!

October 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The decision by the French Senate to once again refuse to ratify the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages once again brings the Charter designed to protect the linguistic and cultural rights of minorities in Nation States

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Flying High With the Celtic Languages

September 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Daily Mails obsessive rant about the fact that two words in Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) had been used on the Police Scotland helicopter got me thinking about just how high the various Celtic languages are flying these days

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Equal Status for Welsh Highlighted in Command Paper

March 7, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The United Kingdom Government has issued a ‘Command Paper’ which sets out a blueprint for the future of devolution in Wales. The sixty page document can be found here: Of particular interest to the Celtic League is

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Irish GCSE Back on England and Wales Curriculum in Two Years

February 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Irish will be back on the GCSE curriculum for England and Wales in two years time it has been revealed. The language was removed from the school system in 2013 at a time when Coláiste na nGael said

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“Malign influence” of English ‘Royal’ Line should not be honoured

January 15, 2014

NEWS FROM CELTIC LEAGUE The General Secretary (GS) of the Celtic League has written to Colaisde na Gàidhlig (Caelic College) of Cape Breton expressing his concern about accepting the ‘Royal’ designation from the Queen of England in a new name for the College.

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Police Scotland Works Towards Action Plan for Gaelic Language

September 15, 2013

NEWS FROM CELTIC LEAGUE The Police Service of Scotland has responded to the Celtic League following a letter sent to the Chief Constable of the new Force, Stephen House. The general secretary of the League, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, asked Chief Constable House a series

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Lack of Gaelic a ‘Missed Opportunity’ Police Chief Told

August 16, 2013

NEWS FROM CELTIC LEAGUE The General Secretary has written to the Chief Constable of the new unified national Police Scotland force that was formed on 1 April 2013 through the merger of eight territorial police forces. The new force – Police Service of

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Online Gaelic Dictionary Gets Funding Boost

July 27, 2013

NEWS FROM CELTIC LEAGUE The Scottish Government has pledged £2 million funding towards the creation of a new online Gaelic dictionary. The digital archive will contain over 30 million words and is a partnership that is being managed by Skye’s Gaelic language centre

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GS speaks at BIC event

November 24, 2012

Celtic League News The general secretary of the League was invited to present his work into the Cornish language and early years as part of an international conference organised by the British-Irish Council (BIC) in Cardiff last week. Rhisiart Tal-e-bot was asked to

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