Who Gets To Regulate Themselves In This Day And Age?

December 24, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Now if there’s one thing about Manx Deemsters you can’t accuse them of being stuffy. When given good advice they’ll take it as we noted about five years ago (August 2011) when they introduced a grandly sounding ‘CODE

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Mann: The Cop Shop Robbers They Never Did Catch Them!

October 30, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE A report on an unusual case today involving the police in Wales prompted one of those déjà vu moments we occasionally get. The allegations involving three Officers are related to the confiscation by police of £77,000 pounds in

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Why Tryweryn Matters to the Other Celtic Countries

October 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE “It happened in Wales but it could have happened anywhere that suited the expediency of the British State. The nationals of the Celtic countries were aborigines to be ignored or used!” Tryweryn and what happened there should matter

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Tryweryn Remembered as Hundreds Attend Rally

October 18, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Ten years ago Liverpool was told ‘they can keep their apology’ – today the decision to flood the Tryweryn valley is still as controversial! It is still an emotive issue is Wales and you can still seesigns today

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Scotland: Custody Death Officer ‘Hates Black People’ BBC Allege

October 15, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We reported earlier this year about the death in custody of Sheku Bayoh who was detained by Scottish police and died at a police station in Fife in early May. At the time the Celtic League wrote to

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Mann: Chief Minister ‘Draws a Line’ Under Dark Days of Gay Prejudice

October 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Gay rights if they needed a fillip in the Isle of Man certainly got it this week. The Chief Minister, Allan Bell, started the week by saying same sex marriage legislation would be brought forward in this legislative

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Ship Register: People Die but we Don’t ‘Apportion Blame’!

October 4, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE SHIP REGISTER: PEOPLE DIE BUT WE DON’T ‘APPORTION BLAME’! Not even ‘a wrap over the knuckles’ that is the outcome of an investigation into the deaths of several crew members on a Manx registered vessel the bulk carrier

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Ireland: Tragic Rise in Number of Homeless

September 29, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The number of homeless families has risen by 76% since the start of the year, according to new figures from the Department of the Environment. At the beginning of September the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins stated

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Seafarers: As Citizens Act International Community Urged to Action

September 21, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE After receiving news that the New York times series ‘The Outlaw Ocean’ has prompted class actions by citizens in the United States we have asked the ILO and the IMO why no action at International level is ongoing

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International: New York Times ‘Outlaw Ocean’ Articles Inspire Class Actions

September 21, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We published details earlier this year of a series of articles by New York Times Journalist, Ian Urbina, entitled ‘The Outlaw Ocean’. This is a section from his first article: “Few places on the planet are as lawless

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