Illiam Dhone: A Moving Tribute From an Unusual Source

February 22, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Illiam Dhone patriot or traitor – the question appears to be posed around the time of every annual commemoration and the latter concept was soundly castigated by Bernard Moffatt at this years commemoration. One man however certainly thought

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Manx Government Undergo Pauline Conversion – Perhaps!

January 30, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE On January 2nd 2015 at Hango Hill, Nationalist spokesman, Bernard Moffatt, said the Manx government’s austerity policy was out of control. He said: “You can go too far and I think people have just about reached breaking point”

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Illiam Dhone Under Fire Again!

January 15, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE State broadcaster gives Government ‘generous’ airtime to attack ‘opponents’. Contributors and those attending the 2015 Illiam Dhone commemoration on 2nd January at Hango Hill (the execution site of Manx patriot William Christian) remarked that it was one of

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More Illiam Dhone Commemoration Reports

January 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Links below to more reports on the 2015 Illiam Dhone commemoration. The first is in the listen again section of the Manx Radio website: You will find it on the ‘Claare ny Gael” programme on Sunday evening

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Full Video Coverage of Illiam Dhone Day

January 2, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Extensive video coverage of the Illiam Dhone commemoration is on line at MTV – the links are set out below. General comment by Bernard Moffatt and Mark Kermode of Mec Vannin is followed by a complete video of

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Break with Tradition at this Year’s Illiam Dhone Commemoration

January 1, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There will be a break with tradition at the 2015 annual Illiam Dhone commemoration on 2nd January which will see three speakers address those attending Hango Hill ahead of the wreath laying ceremony in memory of Manx martyr

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Speakers Lined up for 2015 Illiam Dhone

November 27, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The line up of speakers for the National Illiam Dhone Commemoration was finalised at a meeting of Mec Vannin on 27th November. This year’s speakers are: Cesar Joughin – Manx Oration Alistair Kneale – English Oration Cesar is

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