IAEA Respond Over Fire on Nuclear Transport

January 30, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The International Atomic Energy Agency has responded to a query from the Celtic League about a fire on a ship carrying nuclear waste off the N E of Scotland last year. The vessel, the MV Parida, was disabled

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IAEA Quized on Nuclear Ship Fire

November 27, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Celtic League has written to the Director General of the IAEA asking what steps (if any) it will take following a hazardous incident last month when a ship carrying hazardous nuclear waste caught fire while on passage

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IAEA Response On Stormwater Outfalls Inadequate

May 18, 2011

IAEA RESPONSE ON STORMWATER OUTFALLS INADEQUATE The IAEA have responded to a query from the Celtic League about the monitoring of storm water outfalls from the Sellafield site (see link): IAEA: QUESTIONS POSED ON SELLAFIELD STORMWATER MONITORING https://groups.yahoo.com/group/celtic_league/message/3626 The full text of the

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IAEA: Questions Posed On Sellifield Stormwater Monitoring

April 3, 2011

IAEA: QUESTIONS POSED ON SELLAFIELD STORMWATER MONITORING The IAEA has been asked by the Celtic League to validate a stance taken by the United Kingdom Environment Agency (EA) on the monitoring of surface water run-off from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. The move

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