Hope Those Graffiti Pics Haven’t Been Shredded

December 27, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I wrote recently that the arrival of the latest colonial puppet, Richard Gozney, on the Island in April (is it the 1st) next year might lead to a resurgence of nationalism and I recalled the graffiti campaign some

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The Arrival Of A New Colonial Puppet Master May Stimulate Nationalist Anger

December 22, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE As yet another colonial relic gets ready to be ‘implanted’ on the Isle of Man it’s worth recalling that just five years ago (2009/10) a sustained campaign of slogans and graffiti appeared that questioned the Islands continuing colonial

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BB ‘Gravy Train’ Under Fire In Government House Paint Job

July 5, 2013

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There was a sting in the tail of a recent nationalist `paint job’ at Government House on the Isle of Man. In addition to graffiti specifically aimed at the Governor and inviting him, in blunt terms, to go

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Red Faces All Round as ‘Nationlist Night Shift’ Stike Again

July 5, 2013

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE With just days to go to the Manx National Day there has been a further nationalist graffiti attack on the residence of the Isle of Mans Lt. Governor. The Governor is the last vestige of English colonialism and

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Manx Nationalist Graffiti Targets Governor

June 9, 2013

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Nationalist graffiti has been daubed at Government House on the Isle of Man. The words `Mec Vannin’ have been spray painted in large letters across an entrance road. Although Mec Vannin is the name of the Manx Nationalist

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Illiam Dhone: Vandals Strike In The Wrong Place

December 30, 2011

There has been an act of vandalism near the execution site of Manx martyr Illiam Dhone just outside Castletown, Isle of Man.

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Arrests Were Politically Motivated Say Mec Vannin

July 15, 2010

The Manx Nationalist Party has made a forceful call for new independent police complaints procedures. The Party has also published an alarming and hitherto unreported account of how police behaved during enquiries into the graffiti campaign on the Island earlier this year. Mec

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Graffiti: Will Cornish Cops Mimic Ham-fisted Approach Of Manx Colleagues

July 15, 2010

It has been reported that a series of slogans have recently been daubed across Cornwall calling for `Home Rule’ and `Freedom’. Some of the slogans also say `An Gof’ which is the name of a Cornish Liberation Group which was active in the

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Positive Response Over Graffiti Youth Concerns

May 25, 2010

French authorities have responded comprehensively and promptly to concerns expressed by the Celtic League about the circumstances surrounding the detention of a young person for alleged graffiti offences earlier this year. The League wrote to the French Ambassador to London in early May

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Protest To French Ambassador Over Graffiti Youth

May 18, 2010

The Celtic League has registered its concern with the French Embassy in London about the monitoring of procedures for ensuring that those detained at police stations in France are not abused. The issue has been in focus since allegations were made that a

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