Fuel Poverty: Comin ‘Sitting on their Thumbs’

November 29, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I have responded to the reply from government about concerns about fuel poverty this winter suggesting that while they ‘research’ the issue people will freeze or get into deeper debt. In effect fuel poverty will lead to real

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Fuel Poverty – Make Your Voice Heard!

November 27, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We wrote earlier this month asking the Isle of Man Chief Minister what he intended to do about fuel poverty. This is a social distress factor that can only be exacerbated by the actions of OFT and Manx

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What Are You Doing To Address Fuel Poverty Chief Minister Asked

November 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I have written to the Chief Minister today (see below) asking what steps he is taking to understand the nature and extent of fuel poverty on the Isle of Man caused by recent energy increase including the recent

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Man: Coroner Responds On Fuel Poverty Deaths Query

November 15, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I wrote to the Coroner of Inquests a few days ago (see article on these pages November 8th CORONER URGED NOT TO MISS DEATHS CAUSED BY FUEL POVERTY) expressing concern about the possible impact of gas increases and

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Scotland: Fuel Poverty Group Meet

August 21, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE In an initiative that could well be replicated in other Celtic countries (particularly the Isle of Man) ideas for tackling fuel poverty have been discussed today by a new group meeting for the first time in Inverness in

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