Remember David and The Huskies!

January 5, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Remember David Cameron proving his green credentials by having a ‘photo op’ driving a sledge pulled by huskies in the Arctic some years ago. Well the good news is that ‘Dave’ is still green! As of today the

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New Years Eve Nuclear Waste Site Flood Alert Virtually Unreported

January 4, 2016

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Our thanks to Albert Froon in the UK for posting us details of the attached article from ‘The Ecologist’ which was published on New Years Eve and warns of possible dangers from flooding at the Drigg nuclear waste

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UK response On Super Trawlers And Worker Conditions Disappointing

December 24, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We have received a response to our queries to the UK Government over two issues: Treatment of migrant fishermen employed at sea on trawlers The operations and damage cause by super trawlers The reply is set out below;

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Not More Nuclear Nasties?

December 23, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Now there’s you thinking the only ‘nuclear nasties’ adjacent to us were either at Sellafield with its cracked ponds and iffy drainage or Heysham with its creaky old power station which is having the ‘service life’ rung out

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League Campaign Vindicated: Super Trawlers Inspected and Extremely Positive Proposal From DPFtA Over Onboard Observers

December 22, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE In a clear demonstration that campaigning and publicity works it has been revealed that two Dutch “super trawlers” which have quotas to fish in Irish waters have been inspected by the Irish authorities, the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority

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Parida Report Reinforces Need for Resilience in Nuclear Sea Transports

December 17, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE You may have forgotten the MV Parida (pictured below) we haven’t! It was a Danish registered ro-ro cargo vessel on passage from Scrabster in Scotland to Antwerp, Belgium carrying nuclear waste when it caught fire in October 2014.

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Aging Nuclear Transport is Well Past Its Sell By Date

December 17, 2015

What’s the difference between a ‘Pacific Pintail’ and an ‘Oceanic Pintail’? Answer nothing. It’s just when you need to carry nuclear waste around by sea and you can’t afford £44 million for a new purpose built transport you recommission one that was due

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Super Trawler Activity: Whale Death Speculation

December 2, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE A report relayed to us from one the sites regular contributor’s flags up detail of what appears to be a young Minke whale, carcass very bloodied, washed up on the shores of Omney Island, west Galway. There are

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‘Monster Boats’ – Greenpeace Report on Super Trawlers

November 27, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We have been tracking the destructive activities of super trawlers of the West of Ireland recently, there’s another there today the ‘Willem Van Der Zwan’. Last year Greenpeace put together a really detailed report on these vessels (including

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ONR Respond on Heysham Nuclear Safety

November 26, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE A response to our query about safety issues at Heysham nuclear power station and the decision to continue its operation beyond its original safe operating date; The correspondence is self explanatory as usual the Office for Nuclear

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