Politicians Pensions: ‘Private and Confidential’!

December 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE I have eventually received a reply to the queries on MHK/MLCs pensions but it carries the heading ‘Private and Confidential’. So I’m afraid, Celtic League always being ‘proper’ in our correspondence with government departments, I can’t share the

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No One Likes Us! Whinge TV Licence Bullies

November 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE If ever the adage ‘you reap what you sow’ was appropriate. It seems that TV licensing is playing to the gallery because their staff are facing abuse and even assault as ‘they go about their business’ (link): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-34696365

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Schools Recruitment ForcesWatch Update

September 28, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE An update from ForcesWatch Education Officer, Owen Everett, about their campaign to get the Welsh Assembly to act on recruitment in School. Owen says: “I’m pleased to be able to let you know that the Welsh Government has

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Mann: Mark Charters and Geoff Draper are Hardly ‘The Cambridge Spies’

September 13, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE What on earth is happening in the senior administrative echelons of the Man government? First the Chief Executive of the Health Service, Mark Charters, departs after literally being in the job for ‘five minutes’. This week the Head

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Work Permit Dodgers and Quisling Courts

September 2, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Isle of Man Examiner breaks the news today about the extent of prosecutions brought under the TV broadcast licence laws. The story is self explanatory. The paper quotes extensively from Caroline Levesque Bartlett a campaigner against the

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ILO Urged to Revise Flawed Worker Legislation

July 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We have followed up recent queries about seafarer terms and conditions globally with correspondence to the International Labour Organisation. We have pointed to shortcomings identified in its ‘flagship’ seafarers terms Convention – The Maritime Labour Convention 2006. A

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Manx Government Rethink Public Sector Pensions Strategy

December 10, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Manx government has put plans to make radical changes to public sector pensions on hold. Instead Tynwald (the Manx parliament) agreed there should be wide ranging consultation and negotiations with the staff involved. Last month the Manx

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League Members to Attend Protest Meeting

April 29, 2012

NEWS FROM CELTIC PRESS A public protest meeting is being organised in Penzance by the Penwith Anti-Cuts Alliance in support of workers from the last remaining Remploy factory in Cornwall to remain open. The Penzance Remploy factory is under threat of closure following

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DWP Rebut Forced Labour Concern

November 27, 2010

The Kernow Branch has received a response to a letter the Branch Secretary sent following the announcement by the UK Government that it plans to force unemployed people back to work. The initiative, taken up by the branch, followed in the wake of

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UK Government Challenged On Unemployed Forced Labout Plans

November 27, 2010

The Celtic League has challenged the UK government over its plans to introduce legislation which would force unemployed people to do unpaid manual work. Work and Pensions Minister, Iain Duncan Smith MP, has been reminded that the UK is a signatory to International

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