Shameless! Now A Tax ‘Give Away’ To Complement The £50 Million ‘Tax-Away’

December 27, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Do you remember that series on Channel 4 called ‘Shameless’ well I think there’s scope for a rerun of the series in a slightly different form featuring our Council of Ministers (COMIN). Latest give-away (don’t get excited it’s

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Tia’s and Tears

November 21, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There’s one thing about the Celtic League we have a pretty good memory. Did you know probably between 5 and 6 million children will not be getting anything this Christmas because they are dead! That was the forecast

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Government’s Three Point Scam!

November 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Isle of Man Government AGENDA FOR CHANGE has got a three point plan: 1) Balance the budget 2) Protect the vulnerable 3) Grow the economy The plan was cited to us by OFT when they responded to

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Manx Gas: Call Time on This Monopolistic Monster!

October 9, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE OFT breaks cover to reveal ‘sweetheart agreement’ with price hike gas company The Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading has broken its lengthy silence following the recent announcement by Manx Gas to perform ‘fiscal acrobatics’ by reducing

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Mann: The Manx ‘Poll Tax’ Hasn’t Ben Cancelled It’s Deferred!

October 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Isle of Man government seems to have parked its controversial decision to ‘reform’ the rating system. When earlier this year rates demands dropped through Islanders letterboxes they were accompanied by a statement saying the government wants to

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Mann: Heat or Eat MG Don’t Care as Long as They Get a ROCEm

October 8, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE ‘ROCEm’ – This is the new abbreviation set to be thrust in the face of the Manx people this winter. With the recent announcement by Manx Gas (MG) to perform a ‘fiscal cartwheel’ by reducing prices and at

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Canada: Tax Allegations – CRA Sleeping with the Enemy?

October 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE KPMG who were making the headlines in Mann yesterday with their ‘tax briefing’ (see link): are also still making the headlines in Canada where CBC the National broadcaster is remorselessly continuing its expose of tax matters of

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Mann: More Spin and Lies as Work Permits Dismantled

October 5, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Last week the Isle of Man government introduced new work permit rules which it says are destined to make the Island more ‘business friendly’. Control of Employment regulations that have existed on Mann for decades are an important

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Benefit Package an Important Part of Earnings Profile

October 4, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Treasury (Social Security section) have clarified that, 410 couples, 820 lone parents and 17 single or disabled workers receive Employed Persons Allowance. It’s the top-up for those in full time work on very low incomes or those

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Mann: Gas Hike This is an Emergency Govt Should Act!

October 4, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE As energy prices plummet globally there is one place on the planet where they are set to rise – the Isle of Man. Manx Gas have announced a reduction in gas prices but then by slight of hand

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