Bugaled Breizh Belated Reply from Coroner

November 10, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Breton Motor Fishing Vessel (MFV) Bugaled Breizh sank suddenly off the Lizard in January 2004 all hands on board were lost. The sinking has been surrounded by controversy ever since not least because a large NATO exercise

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MoD to Attend Inquest into Loss of Bugaled Breizh

July 19, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The BBC in Cornwall is reporting that the Ministry of Defence will attend the inquest that the Coroner for Cornwall is undertaking into the loss of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh. This is an important development and one

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Bugaled Breizh League Send Correspondence to Coroner

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Celtic League has written to the Coroner for Cornwall following news that she may undertake an enquiry into the loss of the fishing vessel MFV Bugaled Breizh off the Lizard in January 2004. The League enclosed information

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Bugaled Breizh League Send Correspondence to Coroner

July 1, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE BUGALED BREIZH LEAGUE SEND CORRESPONDENCE TO CORONER The Celtic League has written to the Coroner for Cornwall following news that she may undertake an enquiry into the loss of the fishing vessel MFV Bugaled Breizh off the Lizard

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Submarine Threat to Fishing Safety Governments Challenged

January 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Celtic League have challenged all powers who navies operate submarines around the Celtic countries to set out what steps they have taken to implement International Maritime Organisation resolution A.709(17) AVOIDANCE BY SUBMERGED SUBMARINES OF FISHING VESSELS AND

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League Call for Maritime Law Update as Bugaled Breizh is Remembered

January 18, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Secretary General of the Celtic League has used the anniversary of the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh to call for further improvements to both International and Domestic maritime law so that Submarine/MFV collisions will be avoided in

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Ceremony Will Remember Fishermen Victims of Sub Incident

January 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE This weekend (Sunday) there will be a ceremony held in Brest/Loctudy to commemorate the crew of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh which was sunk off the Lizard on January 18th 2004. The tragedy has long been surrounded by

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Celtic League kernow: Bugaled Breizh Inquiry Call

January 1, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE One of the most highly successful Celtic League campaigns was that mounted in the 1980-90s to highlight the dangers posed to Motor Fishing Vessels (MFVs) by the submarine forces of NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold

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Bugaled Breizh: Credible International Enquiry Needed To Resolve Mystery

May 18, 2010

The controversy surrounding the sinking of the Breton trawler, Bugaled Breizh, continues with new suggestions that a US nuclear submarine may have been involved. Independent expert Dominiques Salles who was tasked by the French courts with examining the theory that a submarine was

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