Information About Breton Language Group Ai’ta!

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE We do not usually just post links but as I am focusing a major effort on highlighting our Celtic League role in Brittany this month and I recently highlighted the spectacular and thought provoking demonstration by Ai’ta !

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Breton Reunification Initiatives

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The campaign for reunification continues across Brittany and a number of initiatives are ongoing. Celtic League Breton member, Dominig Kervegant, outlines two examples below: REUNIFICATION of BRITTANY : Democracy v Republic, again! Dibab, “the Choice”, have managed to

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Lorient: Protest in City Over Disrespects for Breton Language

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Twenty members of the Aï‘ta Collective took part in a protest in Lorient last week They were demonstrating against changes made to the interactive displays and signage at the Cite de la Voile (Sailing City) museum in the

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Breizh: A Moment of Symbolic Tit for Tat

July 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Some stolen signs of the city of Tulle reappear in Brittany. People from Brittany, Alsace, Savoy, the Basque Country met in Tulle in the centre of France in order to remove entrance to town signs and send them

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New French Snooping Laws Come Under Fire

April 16, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE New sweeping powers to allow French Intelligence Services to intercept communications and carry out internet surveillance have come under fire. Ironically the French State seems to be using attempts by Islamists terrorist groups to subvert the state to

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League Call for Maritime Law Update as Bugaled Breizh is Remembered

January 18, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Secretary General of the Celtic League has used the anniversary of the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh to call for further improvements to both International and Domestic maritime law so that Submarine/MFV collisions will be avoided in

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Celtic League kernow: Bugaled Breizh Inquiry Call

January 1, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE One of the most highly successful Celtic League campaigns was that mounted in the 1980-90s to highlight the dangers posed to Motor Fishing Vessels (MFVs) by the submarine forces of NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold

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Democracy? A Jacobin Stitch Up!

December 11, 2014

News from the Celtic League The last and final reading of a bill of law in the French National Assembly (l’Assemblée Nationale) in Paris, which could have either reunified Breizh (Brittany) or created another new artificial region was heard this week. Last month

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New Airport for Nantes Put on Hold

December 1, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The news airport planned for Nantes appears to have been put on hold whilst environmental issues are considered. Two years ago the Celtic League reported on opposition to the Airport (see attached link including video of violence by

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Breton Reunification: Deeply Disappointing Result

November 21, 2014

Celtic League News Yesterday (20th November 2014) members of the French Parliament (l’Assemblée Nationale) voted not to support Breton Reunification. In a deeply disappointing result only 68 French MP’s attended the debate out of the 577 elected French MP’s who were eligible to

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