KPMG Four ‘High profile Targets’

December 2, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Belfast based newspaper the Irish News is still going heavily with the story of what have become known as the KPMG four who were arrested yesterday in a swoop by HM Customs and Revenue. The latest story is

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Dedicated Language Archive Opens in Belfast

October 4, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Speaking about the creation of a dedicated Irish language archive at Coláiste Feirste and St Mary’s University College in Belfast, which contains thousands of records and spans more than 100 years which charts the revival of the language,

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Irish Branch Supports Yes In Scottish Referendum: Meeting in Dublin and Belfast

May 14, 2014

News from Celtic League As the campaign for Scottish Independence progresses and the referendum debate moves up a notch the latest polls show that the YES side is fast closing the gap. As the campaign accelerates we feel sure that on the day

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