• August 24, 2019
Celtic League Media Release:
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Representative from the various branches of the Celtic League have just concluded a successful Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in the Town Hall of Carhaix-Plouguer (Breton: Karaez-Plougêr) in Brittany (Breizh). A number of resolutions were passed at the meeting on a range of issues submitted by branches in the Celtic nations. The Celtic League is an inter Celtic organisation that campaigns for the political, language, cultural and social rights of the Celtic nations. It does this across a broad range of issues, including political, socio-economic, environmental, language and cultural matters. This was reflected in the resolutions discussed and passed at the meeting. The organisation also aims to further each of the Celtic nations right to independence and to promote the benefits of inter Celtic cooperation. 
A welcoming reception was held for delegates and visitors and presided over by Carhaix Council Deputy with responsibility  for  Culture and Community Life Serge COUTELLER. He expressed his delight in the City hosting this years event. This was responded to by Celtic League Convenor, Cathal Ó Luain who described this as a welcome return to Brittany (Breizh) for the Celtic League AGM, which was last held in Karaez-Plougêr in 2012.  This is the seventh AGM to be held in Breizh, they hosted their first Celtic League AGM in Brittany at Bass-Indre, near Nantes, in 1974. Cathal expressed his thanks to the City of Karaez and to the members of the Breton Branch of the Celtic League in helping make this such a successful meeting. The 2020 AGM of the League will be held in Cymru (Wales).
Issued by Alastair Kneale, 
Director of Information, 
The Celtic League (24/08/2019)
Carhaix Town HallSerge COUTELLER and Cathal Ó Luain
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