• August 2, 2017

A resolution adopted at the AGM of the Celtic League this weekend (held on the Isle of Man) confirmed League support for an Irish Language Act in the North of Ireland and expressed support for those individuals and groups campaigning on the issue. The resolution also highlighted and condemned that attitude of the UK and Unionists for failing to meet basic demands on both the language issue and marriage equality.

Implementation of the resolutions will be pursued by the Irish branch of the Celtic League

Image: Irish Language Act protest involving thousands of people – Belfast 2017

The full text of resolutions and a report on the meeting will feature in the next issue of CARN – the magazine published by the League

The Celtic League has National branches in Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. It also an International branch and additional branches in England, Nova Scotia and Patagonia. The Celtic League is also a fully accredited NGO (non-governmental organisation) of the United Nations.

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