• June 13, 2022

I was interested to read this on the news pages of Cymdeithas y Cymod, a Welsh peace group. It refers to the Welsh parliament setting up a cross party group on peace and reconciliation a few days ago. Interesting that when an MHK raises issues of militarism as John Wannenburgh MHK did a while ago in the Manx parliament it was simply dismissed by our Chief Minister.

Anyway here’s the clip:

“As one of the leading peace organizations in Wales the Reconciliation Society welcomes the launch of the Welsh Parliamentary Cross Party Peace and Reconciliation Group.“

Thursday 12 May saw the launch of the Cross Party Group on Peace and Reconciliation of the Welsh Parliament by chairman Mabon ap Gwynfor MP. Joining Mabon, a former vice-chair of the Reconciliation Society, are the Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds, Conservative Darren Millar, and Labor Member Mike Hedges.

“We are also pleased to see that the group has engaged the Peace Academy to take on the secretariat role.

“The group will have a broad role and be able to work constructively to tackle local needs in Wales, such as the increasing role of militarism in our schools, and to explore Wales’ involvement in international conflict.”

Like ourselves Cymdeihas y Cymod have raised concerns about the training of military aircrew in Wales which happened to be the subject of Wannenburghs questions.



Image: Something Cymru and Mann have in common training of foreign aircrew at RAF Valley

Bernard Moffatt AGS Celtic League from an original post in Mannan Celtic League Facebook site (24 May 2022).

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