• January 9, 2018

Is le croí trom a chuala Craobh na hÉireann faoi bhás Roy Kennaugh. Is cailliúint mór é don Domhan Ceilteach. Bhí sé mar Rúnaí ar Chraobh Mhanainn den Chonradh Ceilteach agus is é a bhí i mbun eagrúcháin do Chruinniú Chinn Bliana an Chonradh Cheiltigh anuraidh i Manainn agus d’eagraigh sé go maith é.

Bhain baill Craobh na hÉireann an sult as an CCB sin agus d’eagraigh Roy turas do na hionadaithe go Creneash, áit ar fhoghlaim muid faoi thuras De Valera go hOileáin Mhanainn i 1947. Bhí sé linn ag an CCB i mBÁC i 2015 agus bhain sé taitneamh as siúlóid stairiúl 1916 a reachtáileadh ina dhiadh.

Bhí Roy linn freisin i rith Féile na Bratacha i nDún Laoghaire i 2013. Thug sé an léacht faoi bhunús bhrat Mhanainn mar chuid den sraith léachatanna faoi Bratacha na dTíortha Ceiltecaha. D’iompar sé Brat Mhanainn go mórtasach i Roinn na Náisiúin Ceilteacha i bParáid Bratacha an Domhain ag an ócáid sin.

Láidrigh Roy an nasc idir Éireann agus Mannin agus táimid buíoch dó as sin. Guímid comhbhrón do chlann Roy.


YouTube https://youtu.be/4m6kDd4zxhY ( Bernard Moffat’s oration on Roy at Hango Hill, 2nd Jan.
Illiam Dhone Commemoration: 1://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/84933/illiam-dhone-commemoration-1

Roy Kennaugh R.I.P, Statement of Irish Branch of the Celtic League

It was with regret that the Irish Branch heard of the death of Roy Kennaugh. His death is a great loss to the Celtic World. He was Secretary of the Manx Branch of the Celtic League and he organised the Annual General Meeting last year in the Isle of Man.

Members of the Irish Branch enjoyed that AGM and Roy had organised a trip for the delegates to Cregneash where we learned about De Valera’s trip to the Isle of Man in 1947. Roy attended the CL AGM in Dublin in 2015 and enjoyed the 1916 historical walking tour.

Roy was also with us at Féile na Bratacha (Festival of Flags) in Dún Laoghaire in 2013 where he delivered the lecture on the history of the Manx flag (as part of the section on the Flags of the Celtic Nations) and he carried it proudly in the Parade of Flags in the delegation of Celtic Nations. He particularly enjoyed the celebratory dinner that evening in Ráth Cúil.

Roy strengthened the bonds between Ireland and the Isle of Man and we are grateful for that. We express our condolences to Roy’s family.

Suaimhneas síoraí ar a anam.

Roy Kennaugh ag dealbh an Conghaileach ag tús an siúlóid stairiúil 1916 i 2015

Roy Kennaugh at the Connolly statue at the start of the 1916 Historical walking tour in 2015

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