The Celtic League has alerted the CPT (the Council of Europe body which monitors places of detention) to the arrest and detention of Lance Corporal Al Babati who was detained by the Royal Military Police while protesting about UK support for aggression in Yemen:
“Mr Hugh Chetwynd
Head of Division
CPT Secretariat (Division 3)
Council of EuropeF67075 Strasbourg Cedex
30th August 2020
(By email ℅ Francesca Gordon Lawyer and Administrative Officer)
Dear Sir,
I write with reference to the detention of Lance Corporal Al Babati (Royal Signals British army) by the Royal Military Police:
(See report Middle Eastern Monitor:
Due to the very high profile nature of L/C Babati’s protest we are concerned that he should not suffer physical or psychological abuse in military custody.
I would be grateful if the CPT would make the UK aware that persons held in military custody should enjoy the same rights in relation to treatment as others under Council of Europe guidelines on custody (framed by CPT)
If the nature of L/C Babati’s custody conditions falls outside the purview of the CPT please advise me at your earliest convenience so that I can frame our concerns to the UN OHCHR.
Yours faithfully,J B Moffatt (Mr)
Assistant General Secretary Celtic League”
Image: Council of Europe HQ – Inset: L/C Babati
Bernard Moffatt
Celtic League