News from Mannin Branch Celtic League:
The Isle of Man Prison Governor is raising issues over psychiatric care in prison (link):…/therapy-advocated-for-mental-he…/
There’s unlikely to be great popular support for his concerns at a time when psychiatric care in the community generally is stretched to breaking point.
However the Isle of Man does have obligations under the various Conventions of the Council of Europe and the detention facilities (police station and prison) in Mann are subject to the inspections of the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (abbreviated as the CPT).
The CPT Code is vey specific on the question of the health care of inmates of psychiatric institutions, prisons, police stations and detention centres.
The Code can be found at this link and the relevant sections are on Pages 38-44
If the Governor is concerned about the issue he should ask the CPT to carry out an ‘urgent inspection’ they do – I know – respond to such requests.
If he is unwilling to – or the Manx Government and DHA don’t wish it to happen – well then someone else should draw it to the CPTs attention…perhaps we will!
Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch
Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.