Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn seems unfazed by the zany ‘STAND UP FOR MANN’ campaign launched by the ‘Palace of Varieties’ aka IOM Newspapers on Peel Road, Douglas as he uses a rally to lambast the offshore tax havens like ourselves.
It seems Jeremy is unswayed by OECD reports, whitelists etc or indeed the oratory of Chief Minister Howard Quayle and Alf Cannan. It seems all that money spent in recent years going to Labour Party conferences by Manx government Ministers has been money wasted as the UK Labour Party seize on the Paradise Papers ongoing revelations to lambast the sundrenched or in our case ‘rain soaked’ offshores.
Its great that UK Labour are finally catching up policy wise on the Manx Nationalist Party which has been saying what a fetid fiscal swamp this place has been for almost four decades’
Manx Vannins policy summary says:
“Mec Vannin remains fundamentally opposed to the presence of the international finance industry in Mann. We believe it to be morally dubious for both ourselves and for its effects upon the Third World.”
It has held this position for forty years!
Anyway here’s Jezza the link to the full Daily Mirror report below:
“The magic money tree is “doing really well”, Jeremy Corbyn has declared in a fiery post-Budget attack on tax avoiders.
The Labour leader laid into austerity cuts as he joined Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson and 1,500 backers at a rally tonight.
Turning the Tories’ slogan about his own spending plans on its head, he told the crowd in West Bromwich: “The magic money tree is doing really well!
“It’s in the Cayman Islands, it’s in the British Virgin Islands, it’s in the Isle of Man, it’s in the Channel Islands, and it’s absolutely fine”.
Full report:…/jeremy-corbyn-declares-magic-mone…
Image: The UK Labour Party were not too keen to note nationalist concerns about this financial bolt hole in the time the were in office over four decades!
Bernard Moffatt
pp Celtic League