Unrealised potential lies in the seas off Maughold Head some outfit according to government want to site a massive wind farm there and we’ll get millions (5 no less) every year if they go ahead. Well I hope who ever negotiates this deal are betting at striking a bargain than the OFT did with Manx Gas!
But hang on we’ve been here before – no not with wind farms – if every one of them planned for the Irish Sea had gone ahead you wouldn’t be able to sail a boat on it.
No remember about eight years ago it was aggregate! The DTI (as it was then) even got as far as licensing aggregate extraction in a vast box of seabed not to far from where this new venture is planned.
In hindsight it’s a good job the aggregate extraction never went ahead it would have been one hell of a job getting all those wind turbines hoisted into place with dredging going on all around them.
Still the Manx government like to think big and of course it provides a couple of minutes of air time on Manx Radio.
I wonder what the next scheme will be off Maughold Head?
Issued by: The Celtic News
THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE. The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues