It’s not just in the Isle of Man that Industrial action beckons. In Ireland Nurses, members of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), recently announced that the will strike for an additional two days bringing the total of actions plans to three events spread over three days (nine days in all). Indeed Irish Nurses will be out on the picket line on the same date as Manx postal workers, members of the CWU.
Meanwhile in Scotland as I reported earlier Air Traffic Control workers, members of Prospect Trade Union, are being balloted for action that could affect all Airports in the Highland Region.
It’s a sign that workers have had enough of being lectured to about the need for ‘restructuring’ and ‘wage restraint’ or being told about the need for ‘new business models’ by politicians and business bodies who are lining their pockets.
It’s indicative that some of the groups deciding to fight back include middle income groups and it is to be hoped that there example gives inspiration to lower paid workers who are being relentlessly crushed by unjust below inflation wage settlements.
Workers throughout these Islands have put up with over a decade of austerity which is seeing some lower income groups reduced to poverty,
What sort of society tolerates the injustice of working people having to supplement there larder from food banks while the wealthier are cosseted by right wing regimes that always make workers pay while shovelling grants and tax breaks at the well off.
Image: People Before Profit demo in support of Irish Nurses
Bernard Moffatt
Celtic League