Sticking with the nuclear theme Transceltic highlights security problems at French nuclear plants this week after Greenpeace gained access to a plant in the N E of the country and set of a large firework.
It’s not just environmental protesters however as in 2014 no less than seven French nuclear plants were overflown by drones – the culprits were never identified.
Nuclear plants such as Sellafield adjacent to us are surrounded by a no-fly zone and post 9/11 we pressed the UK government unsuccessfully to extend this.
We had more success over the transport of nuclear waste after we advised the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2004 that details of rail transports around the UK were being published in a magazine for trainspotting enthusiasts. The practice apparently had the blessing of the UK authorities but was speedily discontinued after the IAEA got in touch with HMG following or letter!
Related links:…/vulnerability-of-french-nuclear-p…
Image; ‘Trainspotting’ – you couldn’t make it up!
Bernard Moffatt
pp Celtic League