World Conference on Linguistic Rights – Barcelona, June 1996

June 16, 1996

IMPLEMENT DECLARATION NOW! A large number of linguistic associations and specialists have been working throughout the past three years to produce a Declaration on linguistic rights. This group acknowledges the fact that, traditionally, colonising language groups have marginalised and oppressed languages spoken by

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English Queen Goes Home

May 31, 1996

The decision of the Queen of England to cancel her visit to Wales on May 31st 1996 is both a further humiliation to the Crown and also to the British Intelligence Services charged with the Queen’s protection. The English queen was in Wales

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Celtic League halts dangerous weapons tests

May 24, 1996

This week, the Celtic League successfully frustrated secret UK MOD attempts to start tests on countermeasures for so called “smart weapons”. We argued the tests would pose a danger to ships and aircraft in the Irish sea area. The MOD initially would neither

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