• February 10, 2016


A new Facebook page devoted to airing concerns and ideas in relation to the Isle of Man hospital and Health Service issues generally has been unveiled.

Its lead in says:

“This page has been created to facilitate open discussion about any issue relating to the health service of the Isle of Man. In order to avoid legal action contributors are asked to send any new post they wish to make via PM with evidence to prove – the page cannot publish unsubstantiated claims, or anything which could lead to legal action, or risk an individual medical registration. The page will then publish and allow open discussion. Anyone who wishes to verify the identity of the people running this page should also PM the page. This will be done face to face on the IOM.”

There is a suggestion on some social media this is a relaunch of an earlier page with a more provocative title but that does not seem to be the case.

I think the current page sets the right tone. What is needed around health services in the Isle of Man is good factual and open debate.

The most valuable resource of any Health service is its staff a point we will be raising with DHSC CEO Malcolm Couch.

We’ve wished the new site well (see below) and hope any staff that have soundly based concerns who for whatever reason have no confidence to engage the Department directly will utilise it.

“I think your site’s intent is very sound. Some good open debate is what’s needed and of course as you stipulate factual not unsubstantiated or anecdotal assertions.

There used to be excellent in house forums for the resolution of concerns at one time e.g. The Joint Nursing Consultative Committee which I chaired for a number of years and which brought together a wide range of Unions with management at all levels.

Do these avenues for dialogue still exist for staff? If not they should be restored.

Good luck, Bernard Moffatt”

The new site can be found at this link:



Issued by: The Celtic News



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