With the development of the new Celtic League internet site plans are well advanced to ensure that back issues of CARN (the League journal) are made available on-line.
Celtic League Convenor, Cathal O Luain, told the Celtic League AGM held on the Isle of Man this weekend (10/11 July) that the objective was to eventually ensure that all back issues of CARN are accessible on the internet.
He reported that 10 back issues spanning issues 129 – 144 are currently available on-line and this enabled those interested in subscribing to the journal to obtain a clearer picture of the wide range of political and cultural analysis, including articles in the six Celtic languages. (See link below):
The Convenor said that both he and the Editor were currently looking at ways to speed up the process of scanning back issues prior to posting them on-line in pdf form.
There was general agreement from all delegates at the AGM that the complete publication of CARN should be available on the internet as the journal provides a sequential record of developments in the Celtic countries in relation to language, political and culture over almost the last forty years.
J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League