• March 16, 2017

News from the Mannin Branch of the Celtic League:

The Celtic League has acknowledged the significance of a donation from the Isle of Man government to the Disasters Emergency Appeal for Yemen (link):


The Celtic League have been highlighting the great suffering in that country caused by the ongoing conflict which sees a major part of the country defenceless against air attack from Saudi warplanes.

Health, food and civil defence resources are at breaking point and the UN has warned that a humanitarian crisis exists.

In a letter to Chief Minister Howard Quayle I indicate that I trust the example of the Isle of Man – in global terms a tiny community – will be matched by much larger countries.

Text of letter to Chief Minister:

“Howard Quayle MHK
Chief Minister
Isle of Man Government

14th March 2017

By email:

Dear Chief Minister,

I write to applaud the decision of the Manx government following its decision to provide much needed aid to the strife torn community in Yemen where a humanitarian emergency compounded by the conflict in the country is threatening millions of men, women and children.

It is a commendable decision by the Isle of Man government to recognise and respond to this crisis a situation that we (as an accredited UN NGO) have been highlighting for some months.

The Island is terms of population is a relatively small community and I trust that the DEC will highlight that fact in the hope that other much larger countries will match this proportionately.

I have little doubt that the decision will attract criticism from some in Mann but nonetheless it is the right decision and as indicated above may be a catalyst that prompts like action.

Yours sincerely

J B Moffatt (Mr)

pp Celtic League”

Image: Child victims of the Yemen conflict shelter from Saudi warplanes.

Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch

Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.



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