• June 13, 2017

“The monumental landscape around Teamhair na Rí or the Hill of Tara in County Meath features several springs closely associated with stories and traditions from early Irish literature and history. Of these sacred or holy wells probably the best known is Tiobra Bó Finne, the “Well of the White, Fair Cow”, which goes under various other titles including the ubiquitous Tobar Phádraig or “Well of Patrick” (almost every third water source in Ireland is named after the national saint). A pleasingly understated restoration of the well some years ago has made the Bó Fionn spring a favoured spot for tourists and believers in various types of New Age ritual.”
This is the opening paragraph from an article by the Irish republican blogger An Sionnach Fionn (‘The White Fox’) who sets out an argument for the iconic Hill of Tara and surrounding area to be made a National Park:
The Hill of Tara area has been threatened by development before but sites like this and indeed others such as Newgrange further north have great archaeological importance.
In 2008 the Celtic League AGM (held that year in Dublin) condemned motorway development near the site and called for it to be given designated UNESCO world heritage status.
“1.) Caineann an Chruinniu Chinn Bhliana seo Rialtas na hEireann as ucht togail motar bealach an M3, ata ag deanamh ollscrios ar iarsmaí arsa naisiunta na hEireann, i ngleann Teamhair/Srin.
This AGM condemns the Irish Government for building the M3 motorway, which is destroying ancient Irish monumental features, in the Tara/ Skrine valley.
2.) In view of the fact that the Hill of Tara was named one of the world’s top one hundred most endangered heritage sites by the World Monument Fund (WMF) and in recognition of its cultural and archaeological significance in Eire and the rest of the Celtic world, this AGM calls for the Hill to be dedicated as an UNESCO World Heritage site.”
(The above correspondence to the Irish government – from our older Yahoo newsgroup archive 19th Sept. 2008)
It is to be hoped that the idea of ‘National Park’ status is not an idea that falls on deaf ears.
Public Relations Officer Mannin Branch
Issued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.

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