• September 6, 2015


The Secretary General of the Celtic League, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, has written to the Irish government about the current migrant crisis.

In his letter to An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, he applauds current efforts by the Irish Naval Service in the Mediterranean but calls for additional steps to be taken (see below).

Similar letters are being sent the UK and French governments and also administrations in all the other Celtic countries.

“Dear Taoiseach

Refugee Crisis

The current refugee crisis at Europe’s borders is a sign that the European Union (EU) is not doing enough to alleviate the suffering that many millions of people are experiencing throughout the world.

In many cases the refugees are fleeing persecution from armed militants in countries where European State Governments have had influence, specifically the UK and France, such as through the participation of invasion, exploitation of resources and the irresponsible selling of armaments. In addition to an European legal right, refugees from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq should seek asylum within the countries that have contributed in no small way to their torment. The EU should help to mitigate the crisis and suffering that is being experienced by those refugees who are seeking refuge within European borders.

The Governments of the Celtic countries should urge the EU and/or their State Governments to take the responsibility needed to alleviate the suffering of these desperate civilians who have come seeking help on a scale not seen in Europe since World War II and this is part of the reason why I am writing to you today. Families arriving dead and alive on the European coastline, escaping from their war torn countries, is a shameful reminder that not enough has or is being done by governments at any level, but it is heartening that this weekend Germany has shown the world the welcome that these refugees deserve.

Every State, Nation and Community within Europe needs to act and I call on you to work within your power at a European level to ensure that more help is given to the refugees seeking asylum, so that adverse risk such as paying a people-trafficking-gang or attempting to float across the sea on an inadequate vessel, is not even considered as an option in the future.

In addition, I urge you to work with governments in all the Celtic Nations to ensure that a reasonable solution is found to lessen the burden of the refugees currently arriving into Western Europe and to ensure that they will be peaceable accommodated to the best of your ability. We are aware that Ireland already has a Naval Service vessel deployed to help in the crisis and we applaud their efforts in difficult circumstances which have already led to many lives being saved. I would like to enquire if other resources specifically targeted at the Eastern Mediterranean could be added to this support or indeed if you could prevail upon other European partners to bridge the gap in that area.

Yours sincerely

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot
General Secretary
Celtic League”

Related link on Celtic News here;



Issued by The Celtic News



The Celtic League was established in 1961and has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues



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