The administration in Cornwall is responding to the housing crisis by commissioning single berth cabins. Link to an article with detail here:…/new-temporary-housing…/…
A comment from the new housing campaign group in the Country (‘First NOT Second Homes) says:
“First saw these blocks used en masse to house the security for G7 just outside St Ives-
“The Council might be responding to the housing crisis, bur this seems like a desperate measure and too little too late. It is the ‘powers’ that be and ineffective legislation that has lead us to this point!
“Just how temporary are these structures really going to be? Building more new properties hasn’t helped thus far- most of the developments in Cornwall are not currently aimed at housing the homeless or social housing- so where are our long term solutions?
Like all the Celtic countries Cornwall is facing a desperate housing crisis exacerbated by the number of second or holiday homes that lie empty for much of the year.
Image: Cabins – Inset: Single berth interior
Bernard Moffatt
AGS Celtic League (13th October 2021)