• June 8, 2015


‘The seed of protest and fight back has been planted’

A highly successful rally occurred in Truro during Saturday 6th June, 2015 bringing together people from all parts of the community who share a common concern, notably the horrific effects the Tory Government’s cutbacks are having on our community here in Cornwall.

Assembled in Hendra Park, speaker after speaker, many with employment in the health, education and other essential public services took to the stage and spoke out publicly about their concerns. Doctors, nurses, teachers, youth workers, college lecturers, Council employees and many Councillors themselves expressed real fears for the future.

Although not organised by the Kernow Branch of the Celtic League, it was heartening to see so many Branch members there and all playing a key role in the organisation of the event which was attended by several hundred people.

Cornwall is being hit extremely hard by the austerity measures being utilised by the Westminster Government in order to attempt to pay for the massive mismanagement of the world’s various economies by the bankers. Sharing the invidious title of the poorest part of Britain along with our brothers and sisters in the Welsh valleys, Cornwall continues to be one of the most impoverished parts of Europe despite decades of false promises of wealth supposedly to be generated by the false hope tourism.

The words of the late and much missed David Penhaligon, possibly one of Cornwall’s greatest MPs, come to mind: ‘You need more in an economy than just tourism, ice cream and deckchairs. Our mining industry is not a figment of the last decade or the last two decades. It has occupied Cornishmen and it has produced wealth for this century, the previous century and probably the last two thousand years; and what we’re asking the government to do is to recognise the great contribution we have made for the wealth of Britain, and in this time of great trial and tribulation to come to our assistance – that’s what we’re asking our government to do.’

Taxes and money paid and created in the Duchy is quite simply haemorrhaging across the Tamar and back towards London and the so called ‘Home counties’.

Cornwall receives back far less than it pays out. Now, we have the second highest rate of homelessness in Britain and the people of Cornwall, an area where basic pay and zero hour contracts flourish even amongst health professionals, receive considerably less in public service expenditure such as health and education than elsewhere.

Members of the Kernow Branch have been at the forefront of a campaign calling for the people of Cornwall to be treated less as second class citizens and more equally with people living elsewhere.

The Convener of the Branch has today written to Cornwall’s MPs and MEPs with the following message following the Truro rally:

‘During this time when MPs have seen fit to award themselves a 10% pay rise, that rise more than some people in Cornwall earn, when the Royal Household receives 15% of the profits of the £9.9 billion Crown Estate which is managed on behalf of the monarch resulting in the Sovereign Grant rising from £31 million in 2012-13 to £40 million in the current financial year – an increase of 29% in three years, we are heartily sickened with living on the crumbs cast from the Westminster table. We demand a seat at the table. Scrape away the wealthy and second holiday home owners whose votes skew those of the indigenous populations and witness the reality of food bank Cornwall. Your heads should hang in shame.’

Many were shocked to see Cornwall ‘turn blue’ during the recent Westminster General Election. That said, and as many speakers pointed out at the Hendra rally, over 70% of people did not vote for this current government.

And now, as has occurred many times in Cornwall’s often hidden history, the fight for what is rightfully ours has again started.

The Kernow Branch is encouraging as many people as possible to take this fight, albeit a peaceful and dignified one this time, to the heart of the Westminster Government and to support the potentially huge rally in London on Saturday 20th June, 2015.

We encourage those attending to carry our much loved, unsullied and peaceful National flag of St. Piran in a true demonstration of ‘one and all’ and that as many as possible meet outside the Bank of England in London at 12 noon that day.

This event is being supported by the People’s Assembly, several Trades Unions and other staff associations, NGOs, politicians, celebrities, campaign groups and many others.

Despite careful Westminster management of the news agenda, thus far, social media is citizen driven and it is there where further details can be found.

Details of transport arrangements from Cornwall to London may be found on the following Facebook sites:

The Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance here.

The Cornwall – People’s Assembly Against Austerity here.

or by telephoning Stuart Cullimore of the Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance on 01209 719525.

Details of the London demonstration may be found here.

Kernow bys vyken!



(Article submitted by Celtic League Kernow Branch)

J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League


(Please note that replies to correspondence received by the League and posted on CL News are usually scanned hard copies. Obviously every effort is made to ensure the scanning process is accurate but sometimes errors do occur.)


The Celtic League was established in 1961 and has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues

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