• October 6, 2015


The Irish Government has responded to the appeal by the Celtic League General Secretary, Rhisiart Talebot, concerning the European migration crisis (link):


The reply is set out below

“I am directed by the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms. Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., to refer to your email concerning the current migration crisis.

Ireland has always lived up to its international humanitarian obligation and we are fully committed to playing our part in addressing the migration crisis facing Europe. We have all been shocked and upset at the scenes witnessed in southern and central Europe and the distressing scenes during rescues in the Mediterranean. It is only right that we do all we can as a nation to help.

As part of the Government’s response to the crisis, the Minister brought proposals to Government which were considered and agreed at a special Cabinet meeting on 10 September. A multi-faceted approach is being adopted including the following measures:

· establishing the Irish Refugee Protection Programme which will
provide international protection for up to 4,000 persons overall under Resettlement and Relocation Programmes. It is expected that these numbers will be augmented by further family reunifications. The first arrivals under the Programme are expected by year end. The number of persons in need of international protection will be kept under review;

· establishing a new cross-departmental Taskforce, chaired by the
Department of Justice and Equality, to deal with the operational and logistical aspects of the support programme. The Taskforce which has already had its first meeting, will adopt a whole of Government approach and will work with NGOs, religious bodies, local authorities and the Red Cross to implement the Government’s response to this crisis;

· engaging with the public on their pledges of support. The Red Cross will lead this task;

· establishing a network of Emergency Reception and Orientation Centres for the initial reception of those arriving under the relocation programme;

· introduce the International Protection Bill as a major priority; and

· providing an additional package of processing resources to deal with major increases in asylum and other immigration cases.

In recent weeks many people have, through various media, including corresponding directly with the Department indicated their wish to play their own part in Ireland’s response to this crisis. In that regard the Government has arranged, as part of its overall strategic response, for the
Irish Red Cross to take the lead role in assessing, profiling and coordinating the many generous offers of public assistance.

The Irish Red Cross has now launched a dedicated website:

Further information can be obtained from the Irish Red Cross website.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Quattrociocchi
Private Secretary to the
Minister for Justice and Equality”

Related links:



Issued by: The Celtic News



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues


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