With more Irish Army personnel of the 59th Infantry Group due to be deployed on the Golan Heights in Syria next month units have been preparing for their role as part of the United Nations Disengagement Force (UNDOF) in the Glen of Imaal, Wicklow. This report from RTE has both audio and video reports:
Meanwhile the Irish government has joined other States in rejecting United States President, Donald Trumps, so called ‘official recognition’ of the annexation of the Golan area:
“Ireland regards the Golan Heights as Syrian territory under Israeli occupation,” Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney said on Tuesday.
“The government has no plans to alter that position.”
“Annexation of territory by force is prohibited under international law, including the UN Charter. This is a fundamental principle of the relation of states and the rule of law in the modern world,” Coveney said.”
Full report here:
Bernard Moffatt
Assistant General Secretary
Celtic League