• October 29, 2018

On Friday last Ireland’s Defence Minister, Paul Kehoe TD, reviewed troops of the 113th Infantry battalion at Eyre Square in Galway. The unit is due to depart for a tour of duty in Lebanon shortly.

‘Ireland has a long association with UNIFIL since its establishment in 1978. The main Defence Forces battalion was withdrawn in 2001, following 23 years of service with UNIFIL. Ireland again deployed a contingent to Lebanon in 2006, for a period of 12 months, with a Finnish Engineering company, following on from an escalation of hostilities, when the UNIFIL Force was significantly expanded under a UN mandate. An Irish Battalion returned to the Lebanon in the summer of 2011.

The 113th Infantry Battalion replaces the 112h Infantry Battalion which deployed to Lebanon in May 2018. In UNIFIL the Irish Battalion will provide robust patrolling support to the Lebanese Armed Forces and protection to the local population from their primary Headquarters location in UN Post 2-45. In addition, Irish personnel will occupy and secure observation posts along the Blue Line.’

Full press release here:



Defence Minister Paul Kehoe TD reviews troops in Eyre Square Galway
UNIFIL Troops on patrol Lebanon – these are from Finland another small state with a long commitment to UN peacekeeping in the area

Bernard Moffatt

Assistant General Secretary
Celtic League

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