• December 21, 2015


With the news that yet another ‘UK sponger’ is on the way from April 2016, in the role of Lt Governor, it’s as well to remind ourselves that the Manx Nationalist Party, Mec Vannin, said at its AGM in May this year that it is past time the Lt Governor should pay for his own ‘digs’.

The figure the Manx government quote for maintaining Government House is £450,000 – they assert there have been savings of £200,000 over several years but the arithmetic’s a bit vague

The Nationalist Party felt that the Manx taxpayer have tolerated for to long the burden of accommodating someone who contributes little to the Manx community and believed if the Crown (actually the UK) want a ‘symbolic head’ in one of their few remaining ‘colonies’ they should foot the bill.

At its AGM the Party resolved that the building formerly known as government house which is owned and maintained by the Manx people should be used for other purpose
The incumbent Lt. Governor, the Party said, “whilst the link with the Crown remains”, should be re-housed at the expense of the Crown.
The Party also resolved that the term ‘Lt Governor’ is inappropriate, demeaning and a relic of a bygone colonial age and urges the British Crown to rethink the use of the offensive and indecorous term in all non self governing territories (see the text of resolution adopted at the AGM):

“This AGM:
Calls on the Isle of Man Government to raise with the British Crown the appropriateness of using the title “Lt. Governor” in the Isle of Man, and indeed the title of Governor or Lt. Governor in all non-independent, self-governing territories under Crown jurisdiction.
Suggests that, given the United Kingdom’s commitment to United Nation’s Declaration on decolonization, the use of the title “Governor” or “Lt. Governor” in any non independent territory under Crown jurisdiction is abhorrent, offensive, and demeaning to people in those “dependent territories”.
Mec Vannin believes the title “Crown Representative” should be used.”

The new Lt Governor will be Sir Richard Gozney – here’s a picture of him with his good lady – he obviously enjoys dressing up!

Issued by: The Celtic News



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues


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