• April 10, 2016

More ‘Good News’ from the Chief Minister via his favoured platform ‘the Nations Station’ – unemployment is down! Here’s the link:


Understandably the Chief Minister uses the opportunity to trot out his usual mantra about ‘growth’ and keeping ‘feet on pedals’ and such like moral boosting verbiage.

The figures are better Allan avers because they probably also include those ‘chased of sickness benefits’ via the new Treasury Lazarus programme spearheaded by Bill Henderson MLC acolyte of the Treasury Minister.

So what’s to complain about if all in the garden is rosy we should praise Allan and ‘the folks on the head’ for spreading his message of economic buoyancy?

It’s just behind the headlines perhaps there lies a somewhat darker picture of wage levels that have stagnated of people particularly in the service sector with reduced hours. Recently we were notified of folk in the hospitality sector being pressured too take zero hours contracts and if that is indicative of the new jobs market it’s not quite as rosy as Allan’s message.

Not much point in being in work unless your contract provides enough in guaranteed weekly pay to keep you and your family afloat at a time stealth taxes and charges come almost daily.

This government is squeezing, workers, farmers and established businesses that’s the real picture not the Wonderland world Allan likes to beam out to us from the Islands radio transmitters.

Sorry if this message is negative but its true and just to make a bad day even worse your tax demand is on the way (minus the reforms for low paid workers Eddie PROMISED a year ago) and the rates demands will be in the post shortly plus increased MUA charges!

Image: The Chief Minister looking laid back. Both he and those that peddle his ‘good news’ are not on zero hours contracts!


Issued by: The Manx branch of the Celtic League

TEL: 01624 877918 or 07624 491609



The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries including our own Mannin branch. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues

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