• March 7, 2015


Cornwall Council has welcomed today’s pledge from Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to ensure that the Government will continue to provide financial support for the Cornish Language Partnership (CLP).

The Government had previously said that it would not fund the Cornish Language beyond the current programme which ends on 31 March 2015 which would have led to the closure of the MAGA office. The Council had written to the Government to express its concerns but had not had a response until Mr Clegg’s announcement made on a visit to Cornwall earlier today.

Welcoming Mr Clegg’s commitment to find a funding package for the next year, Julian German, the Chair of the Cornish Language Partnership said:

“This is good news and we look forward to receiving details of the amount of money we will receive. ”

“We put forward a case for continued government support which explained the importance of the language to Cornish distinctiveness and therefore to the people and the economy of Cornwall. I am pleased that Mr Clegg has recognised this and responded positively despite the current difficult economic climate and the forthcoming election”.

Cornwall Council has already pledged continued support for the work. The Council has hosted MAGA, the Cornish Language Partnership, which is responsible for promoting the language and works across education, community and the public and private sectors, for the past few years.

“Continued funding from the Government will allow the work done by MAGA and its member organisations, including several voluntary groups, to continue” said Julian German. “Interest is stronger than ever before and the benefit to Cornwall is clear. We are glad that we will be able to respond with continued support and development”.

After ten years of the current strategy, which was the first for Cornish, Cornwall Council, together with the Partnership, is currently evaluating how the programme of work is being delivered in order to ensure that we have the best model in place to take us forward into the future.

(This article compiled for Celtic News by Michael Chappell – Kernow Branch).

J B Moffatt (Mr)

Director of Information
Celtic League


(Please note that replies to correspondence received by the League and posted on CL News are usually scanned hard copies. Obviously every effort is made to ensure the scanning process is accurate but sometimes errors do occur)


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